Careland Health Care

Carbon Reduction Policy and Procedure Purpose of Policy

This Carbon Reduction Policy outlines Careland Healthcare Services Ltd’s policy on how we will minimise our carbon output and work to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

To meet the legal requirements of the following legislation:

  • Climate Change Act 2008

  • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 Scope

    The policy applies to:

    All employees, including those designated as temporary, bank staff, agency staff, volunteers or work experience


    The objectives of this policy are:

  • To ensure compliance with legislation and regulations

  • To reduce carbon emissions that are produced by our business operations

  • To ensure good governance in relation to environmental sustainability

  • To encourage all employees to identify and suggest how we can reduce our

    carbon emissions

    Policy Statement

    Careland Healthcare Services Ltd, as a provider of a Domiciliary Care service, recognises the impact of our activities on the environment and is committed to sustainable development and to reducing our carbon emissions.

    Careland Healthcare Services Ltd will strive to improve our environmental sustainability by reducing or removing our activities that are damaging to the environment and by encouraging environmentally sustainable activities.
    Careland Healthcare Services Ltd is committed to reducing our carbon emissions by:



  • Encouraging all of our employees to be responsible for environmental sustainability

  • Enabling employees to suggest carbon reduction initiatives

  • Supporting our domiciliary care clients to be environmentally sustainable

    Business Operations:

  • Facilitating virtual meetings to reduce emissions through travel

  • Providing electronic documentation for meetings

  • Facilitating and attending online training and the provision of electronic

    training material

  • Incorporating environmental sustainability in the governance of the organisation

  • Completing environmental audits Property:

    • Maximising energy efficiency by using appropriate heating and boilers

    • Minimising energy consumption

    • Minimising our water consumption

    • Including environmental considerations and sustainable alternatives when

      planning repairs and maintenance Facilities:

      • Disposing of waste safely

      • Promoting recycling of waste including recycling of staff uniforms

      • Minimising the use of consumables

      • Using biodegradable products

      • Discontinuing the use of disposable cups and utensils and replacing these

        with glasses, crockery and cutlery

      • Reducing printing by using electronic systems, promotional literature and providing electronic training materials

        Vehicles and Travel:

        • Ensuring new vehicles purchased meet the required emission standards

        • Minimising the impact of employee travel by encouraging car sharing, public

          transport, cycling and walk to work schemes where practicably possible

        • Ensuring compliance with national clean air zones

Purchasing supplies with reduced packaging


Including Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability in all tender and supplier evaluations

Careland Healthcare Services Ltd requires employees to report concerns relating to our carbon use and our environmental sustainability to the Registered Manager.

The Registered Manager and Nominated Individual are responsible for the governance of Careland Healthcare Services Ltd and this includes ensuring our environmental sustainability and carbon reduction responsibilities are met.

Careland Healthcare Services Ltd is committed to implementing this Policy and the practices it sets out.


Carbon Output Concerns

If an employee identifies concerns relating to the organisation’s carbon output or environmental sustainability they must report this to the Registered Manager.

The Registered Manager must investigate and manage the concerns raised and inform the employee raising concerns of the outcome.

The Registered Manager must take action to manage any risks and must ensure a full report is made of all management action taken.

Employee Suggestions for Carbon Reduction

All employees are encouraged to identify areas for improvement in relation to reducing the organisation’s carbon emissions and to discuss these with the Registered Manager.

The Registered Manager must consider each suggestion made to see if it is viable and able to be implemented.

The Registered Manager must provide feedback to employees who make suggestions.

Environmental Audits
The Registered Manager must ensure that Environmental Audits are completed.

The Registered Manager must ensure that any actions and areas for improvement identified in an Environmental Audit are completed.





Roles and Responsibilities

All staff are responsible for:

  • Following the Carbon Reduction Policy and Procedure.

  • Reporting concerns relating to carbon emissions and environmental

    sustainability to the Registered Manager.

  • Suggesting how Careland Healthcare Services Ltd can reduce our carbon emissions.

    The Registered Manager is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that this Carbon Reduction Policy and Procedure is implemented.

  • Ensuring resources are used responsibly and identifying green alternatives.

  • Investigating and managing concerns relating to carbon emissions.

  • Considering all suggestions made relating to minimising carbon emissions.

  • Ensuring Environmental Audits are completed.

  • Maintaining oversight and governance relating to carbon reduction and

    environmental sustainability.
    The Nominated Individual/Provider is responsible for:

Maintaining oversight and governance relating to carbon reduction and environmental sustainability.

Breaches of Policy

For employees, failure to adhere to the Carbon Reduction Policy and Procedure could lead to possible disciplinary action being taken.

For others (volunteers, agency staff, contractors) their individual relationship with the organisation may be terminated.

Monitoring and Review

This Policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if necessary due to legislative or regulatory requirements.