Careland Health Care

Health tips for you

Preventive healthcare

Daily hygiene, exercise, and a balanced diet are the keys to good health. But preventive healthcare is not limited to the body. The mind must be constantly stimulated with information and challenges, such as memory games, reading, and problem-solving.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines healthy eating, physical activity, taking personal health precautions, managing stress, and seeing a healthcare provider as the baseline steps for a healthy life ( By following these guidelines for good health, you will become actively involved in preventive healthcare, which can reduce the number—and costs—of visits to your doctor or emergency room.

Eating habits

Of your three meals each day, breakfast should be the most substantial and dinner the lightest. This allows the body to properly digest and use this nutrition before you sleep, and prevents the body from storing it, which can lead to unhealthy weight gain. The United States Department of Agriculture has developed a MyPlate guide for all the categories recommended for daily eating (


Sleep is an important part of our health and wellness, and a major factor in preventive healthcare. Maintaining a consistent schedule for when you go to bed and wake up trains your body and results in a more restful, fulfilling night’s sleep. Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep, but teenagers and children need more sleep as part of their normal growth and development. Eating habits, exercise, and the quality of sleep are interconnected (see “Eating habits” and “Exercise” below). Studies show that eating just before sleeping prevents restful sleep, because your digestive system continues to work and process food.

Your healthcare provider should listen

When seeing any healthcare provider, make sure they understand the details related to your visit. Give them a full understanding of what you are feeling, for how long, and all the events leading up to your medical condition. The healthcare provider should always spend time asking you questions of this nature

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